before and after (2002) 


When I was a student at Yale, I started to compose before and after. I had a very specific soundscape in mind that ebbed and flowed, merging instrumental colors and pulling away to reveal a different instrument group. But life got in the way and I never finished it. That is, until I won a MacDowell residency in 2000.

Even though I was supposed to be working on another piece, this one seemed more pressing, urgently needing to be finished. Who knows what the creative mind holds waiting to be unleashed? It was good timing because this performance opportunity came up not long after.

The completed work fulfills the original idea and transforms it by using a rhythmic foundation that shifts the rate of change from long note values to very short ones, ultimately coming unraveled, thus: before and after.

–Eleonor Sandresky, 2020


before and after
(2002) 13 min
for chamber orchestra

Music by Eleonor Sandresky

Orchestration: fl, ob, cl (Bb, Eb), bsn, hrn (F,) tpt (C), trbn, perc 1 (vib, nip. gongs, sus. cym.), perc 2 (mari, tri) , pno, vln I, vln II, vla, vc, cb

World Premiere: April 12, 2002 | Nouvel Ensemble Moderne / Lorraine Vaillancourt, conductor | The Orensantz Center, New York, NY.

Publishing & Licensing Information

To perform before and after, please contact
Score available upon request.

ASCAP | all rights reserved.